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There’s a problem with Internet Marketing. It’s rampant.

It’s called… “The Sales Funnel.”

If you look at it from both sides of the coin you’ll see its flaws. And what’s scary is that you may be falling into these clear traps yourself and leaving money on the table as a result.

1.  Your Clients Are Smarter Than a 5th Grader.

Especially in more competitive markets your prospects and visitors are becoming more and more sophisticated to the standard marketing ploys. How aware is your audience of the “standard protocol”?

The question to ask yourself, “how is my marketing unique, providing value, exciting, and entertaining?”

2. Deliver Or Die.

Your job as a marketer and thought leader is to take the position of being responsible for your client’s results. This includes your lowest priced offer.

If you promise something in your marketing – it must match, and ideally exceed, the promise made. So many marketers oversell and under-deliver. Don’t be one of them – you won’t be around long.

3. Be Congruent Not Incomplete.

Often, up-sell offers claim that you need the additional product to be successful. This is a big read flag. Do not be incomplete. Instead, make it fast and easy.

Your up-sell should focus on a way to make the promise of your initial offer faster and easier.

4. Stop Tripping Over Dollars to Make Pennies.

Once you’ve earned trust with the initial purchase the urge to take advantage of this buyer momentum might try to get the better of you.

Resist taking every penny from your prospects in your up-sell. Be responsible. You do not want your first impression with your new buyer to be one of someone who is trying to suck every opportunity to get a sale.

Instead, focus on delivering value and your High Ticket Sales will Sore!

5. Your Order Form Micro-Bump.

Your order form is prime real estate, don’t waste it. Add a complimentary bump offer.

Model – there is always an up-sell on the order form. This is proven to increase the value of a new customer. We’ve seen one of the best options is a micro-continuity offer priced under $10.

6. The No Selling – Sales Thank You Page!

Your thank you page is another very profitable leverage point. Don’t let this be the end of the conversion process – it’s only the beginning.

Consider using this page as an invitation to a strategy session where you can offer higher-ticket products and consulting. This alone will exponentially multiply your profits.

Be sure not to make these mistakes and fix them if you are.  It will make the world of difference with the longevity of your business.

And if you’re searching to get the greatest results out of your online sales process click here and let’s set up a strategy session to optimize your funnel!