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The marketing world is an ever changing, competitive arena that requires you to stay on top of the latest trends to adapt new ways in reaching your target audience; if you don’t, that campaign you have been working on won’t be nearly as effective. Ever heard of the term ‘behavioral targeting’? It just might be the key you need to unlock the secret behind an even more successful marketing campaign.

What is behavioral targeting? If you have ever visited a website and clicked on certain products, and then find the same items on the side bar ads of another site, that is behavioral targeting. The idea has been developed by marketers and advertisers to hone in on users online behavior. It identifies their interests and buying habits, to further reach them through their online journey. All the data gathered through behavioral testing can identify pages visited, items clicked on and time spent per visit. Marketers can then use this data to group people into sectors and target them once they log on through the same browser again.

Now that you are aware what behavioral targeting is, there are a few ways your business can really benefit by implementing it into your marketing strategy. If e-commerce is your thing, this will put trust into your consumer’s hands, creating an open door for them to click-through to your site. By showing your investment into your audience, they will be more willing to scroll over and click on your advertisement.

Behavioral targeting will allow for a more user-friendly website. As online users are expecting customization upon their visit, eventually websites that are automatically customized for specific users will allow for a smaller bounce rate, less time and money to study trends and more of a budget for a website that will be your main targeting tool.

Additionally, by using behavioral targeting, and utilizing the data on users and their market sectors, you can create more specialized campaigns catered towards them versus studying constantly changing trends.

After you have your data, by grouping people into market sectors, you can take it one step further to your Facebook campaigns. Facebook allows you to target people as specific as ‘in a relationship’, likes football or sports cars, and even down to their location. So instead of typing in broad keywords, your ads will be placed right in front of the exact people you are targeting.
